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Essential Vocabulary on Personal Colour

This online English course focuses on essential vocabulary related to personal colors, designed to help learners build a solid foundation in describing colors, tones, and shades in everyday conversations.



Chapter 1:

Understanding Color Basics

  • 1.1. Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Colors: Introduction to the color wheel, understanding basic color groups, and how to mix colors.


  • 1.2. Warm and Cool Tones: Identifying warm and cool colors and understanding their emotional associations.


  • 1.3. Neutral Colors: Exploring neutrals, their importance in color schemes, and practical examples of use.


Chapter 2:

Personal Color Descriptions

  • 2.1. Skin Undertones: Vocabulary for discussing skin undertones (cool, warm, and neutral) and how they relate to personal color choices.


  • 2.2. Hair and Eye Color Descriptors: Terms and adjectives for describing various shades and tones of hair and eye color.


  • 2.3. Seasonal Color Analysis: Introduction to seasonal color categories (e.g., Winter, Spring) and related vocabulary for personal style.

Chapter 3:

Expressing Color Preferences

  • 3.1. Shades and Tints Vocabulary: Words and phrases to differentiate between various shades and tints in clothing and accessories.


  • 3.2. Personal Style and Color Matching: Discussing personal color preferences and how they relate to style choices.


  • 3.3. Describing Color in Fashion and Design: Vocabulary for expressing color choices in fashion, interior design, and personal aesthetics.

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+55 19 99363-7982

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